Program Evaluation
The evaluation process is an important component of telling our story and the impacts we are making in our counties and statewide. Collecting data from participants at events and workshops is critical to our ongoing success. Thank you for your help! Please use these resources as a foundation for learning about the evaluation process, training volunteers and implementation.
Questions? Contact:
Jocelyn Mobley
Statewide Evaluation Coordinator
(530) 750-1340
Quick Guide & FAQs
The Quick Guide & FAQs document is a reference for UC Master Gardener program coordinators and volunteers, who will be working on the survey recruitment process. The Quick Guide & FAQs offers step-by-step instructions as well as tips for commonly asked questions.
Evaluation Materials:
Template Sign-In Form: | Contact Sheet: | Poster Artwork: | Virtual Sign-In Help Document | |||
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The following evaluation language is REQUIRED for ALL sign-ins or registrations: Your contact information is used to distribute a link to a follow-up survey and relevant program information. The short survey provides us the tools we need to grow and improve the quality of our program. We do not sell or share your contact info with anyone else. If you do not wish to receive the survey please email us at |
Evaluation Presentation Templates:
The evaluation presentation template can be used to introduce the public to the program evaluation survey and encourage them to support the program by participating. PowerPoint slides can easily be copied and pasted into any workshop or event presentation. |
PowerPoint includes:
The evaluation 5w's training template can be used to introduce and train UC Master Gardener volunteers and staff on the evaluation process. |
5w's Training Template Updated 9.21.20 |
PowerPoint includes:
Evaluation Training:
Program evaluation training took place on Sept. 6 & Oct. 11, and covered the following:
PDF version: |
Sample Elevator Speech: During the training it was recommended that we create an “elevator speech” that you can use to verbally explain this evaluation to others. Below is an example of how you might discuss our evaluation. This is not required language, only an example. “The purpose of this statewide evaluation is to better understand and show the impact of the UC Master Gardener Program. We all have stories to tell about our impact, but we often lack the data to back up these stories. In addition to having information about how many Californians we have reached, this evaluation will allow us to make conclusions about how our program’s efforts have impacted Californians’ gardening practices and their lives since their attendance at public education workshops and events. Findings from this evaluation will be shared with others, including current and future stakeholders which will help us to secure funding for our county’s program. We will also be able to use the data to discuss our program’s strengths and areas where we can improve. Together, we can make a difference and continue to have a great impact on our residents!” |
Links to Sample Pilot Findings and Sample Impact Statement: Each county will receive a report with findings on a quarterly basis, maps will be compiled annually. Also included is a sample impact statement which will also be filled in annually with statewide program data. Programs should feel free to use their quarterly county data to update an impact statement at any time.
Questions? Contact:
Jocelyn Mobley
Statewide Evaluation Coordinator
(530) 750-1340