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How much and what to plant?

Plant enough of each vegetable crop to meet your family’s needs for fresh, stored, and preserved supplies. For most vegetables, there are a number of varieties (cultivars) from which to choose. When choosing vegetable varieties, consider such factors as disease resistance, maturity date, flavor, compactness of plant and the size, shape, and color of the vegetable desired.

Keep in mind past experiences with a given variety and compare new varieties with your favorites. Whether purchasing seed or transplants, always note the specific crop variety. Avoid generic or unlabeled transplants, since characteristics can vary widely with different varieties of the same crop.

The California Master Gardener Handbook provides great recommendations on when and when to plant by seed (row) or young transplants (plants) and how much to plant for a family of four: 

Vegetables Recommended planting dates by location in California Crop type  Amount to plant

North and north coast: Aug-Dec
South coast: May-July
Interior Valley: July
Desert Valley: Sept

cool 3-4 plants
asparagus North and north coast: Jan-March
South coast: Jan-Feb
Interior Valley: Jan-Feb
Desert Valley: Feb-April
cool 30-40 plants
beets North and north coast: Feb-Aug
South coast: Jan-Sept
Interior Valley: Feb-April; Aug
Desert Valley: Sept-Jan
cool 10-15 ft row
broccoli North and north coast: Feb-Aug; Aug-Sept
South coast: June-July; Jan-Feb
Interior Valley: Dec-Feb; July
Desert Valley: Sept
cool 15-20 ft row
cabbage North and north coast: Jan-April; July-Sept
South coast: Aug-Feb
Interior Valley: July;Feb
Desert Valley: Sept-Nov
cool 10-15 plants
carrots North and north coast: Jan-May; July-Aug
South coast: Jan-Sept
Interior Valley: Aug-Sept; Feb-April
Desert Valley: Sept-Dec
cool 20-30 ft row
cauliflower North and north coast: June-July ; Jan-Feb
South coast: July-Oct; Feb
Interior Valley: July-Aug
Desert Valley: Aug-Sept
cool 10-15 plants
cucumbers North and north coast: April-June
South coast: April-June
Interior Valley: April-July
Desert Valley: Feb-May; Aug
warm 6 plants
eggplant North and north coast: May
South coast: April-May
Interior Valley: April-May
Desert Valley: Feb-April
warm 4-6 plants
kale North and north coast: Feb-April
South coast: Aug-Oct
Interior Valley: Aug-Sept
Desert Valley: Sept-Nov
cool 10 ft row 
lettuce North and north coast: Feb-Aug
South coast: Aug-April
Interior Valley: Aug; Nov-March
Desert Valley: Sept-Dec
cool 10-15 ft row
peppers North and north coast: May
South coast: April-May
Interior Valley: May
Desert Valley: March
warm 5-10 plants
pumpkins North and north coast: May
South coast: May-June
Interior Valley: April-June
Desert Valley: March-July
warm 1-3 plants
squash, summer North and north coast: May-July
South coast: April-June
Interior Valley: April-July
Desert Valley: Feb-March
warm 2-4 plants
squash, winter North and north coast: May
South coast: April-June
Interior Valley: April-June
Desert Valley: Feb-March; Aug
warm 2-4 plants
tomatoes North and north coast: May 
South coast: April-June
Interior Valley: April-May
Desert Valley: Dec-March
warm 10-20 plants
watermelons North and north coast: May-June
South coast: April-June
Interior Valley: April-June
Desert Valley: Jan-March
warm 6 plants

North and north coast: Monterey County north, South coast: San Luis Obispo County south, Interior Valley: Sacramento, San Joaquin, and similar valleys, Desert Valley: Imperial and CoachellaValleys.