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Blueberry and Rose Pruning Care and Pruning Tool Care - Palo Alto
Contact: UC Master Gardeners
Sponsor: UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA

Dormant branch pruning, UC

Do you ever wonder ...How to increase your blueberry crop with pruning? How to prune your espalier roses for healthy summer blooms? What pruning tools do you use and how to clean and sharpen them? We will have garden demonstrations and tips to answer these questions and more. Bring your pruning tools and be ready to roll up your sleeves to ready your tools. The tool care is hands-on learning.

Location: Palo Alto Demonstration Garden : 851 Center Dr, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA

Name of Presenters: UC Master Gardeners - Palo Alto Demonstration Garden

Registration: None

Cost: Free