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Message from the director

Missy Gable

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the biennial impact report for the UC Master Gardener Program. These past two years have been a time of growth and achievement, and I am proud to share with you some of the highlights of our work.

Since 1980, the UC Master Gardener Program has provided education, resources, and support to members of our community who are interested in gardening. Through our various projects, workshops, and events, we have been able to reach tens of thousands of people with our message of sustainability, conservation, and practical solutions.

As we reflect over the past two years, we see the impact that our efforts have had on our communities. From helping stop the spread of invasive plants and pests to teaching educators and students about the importance of pollinators, partnering with local organizations to prepare home landscapes for wildfire, reducing water waste in landscapes, and providing resources and support to novice gardeners, we have truly made a difference.

The UC Master Gardener Program continues to strengthen its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). We have expanded available DEI training to both staff and volunteers and have implemented best practices in hiring, in volunteer selection, and in our work with community partners. Additionally, a program-review committee has provided recommendations and identified opportunities, both internally and within our communities, to better serve a more diverse clientele.

I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for
your contributions to our program. Every day I continue to be inspired and tremendously grateful for the work of UC Master Gardener volunteers. I hope that while you read this report, you can feel my gratitude for our volunteers, leaders, and program supporters' contributions. 


Missy Gable, 
Statewide Director

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